Law of Connected Elements



Basil.js, chance, repeat, Law of Proximity, Law of Connected Elements
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Calculate the distance between two points and draw a line if they are in reach. Similar to the sketch Distance. Also an example for the "Law of Proximity"


Basil.js, chance, repeat, Law of Proximity, Law of Connected Elements
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Calculate the distance between two points and draw a line if they are in reach. Also an example for the "Law of Proximity"

Circles bubbles

P5.js, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Similarity, contrast, repeat, form

Different size of Circles and their interaction show Space and Volume.

Hairy Story

P5.js, Law of Causality, Law of Connected Elements, form, interaction

Arcs in random position built a irregular grid.

John Venn's Randomness

P5.js, chance, repeat, Law of Similarity, Law of Connected Elements, grid
Fabian Morón Zirfas

This sketch shows the visual representation of randomness by John Venn

Open Paths

P5.js, data, repeat, Law of Connected Elements
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Loading and displaying data

Fishing Net

P5.js, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Similarity, contrast, grid, repeat

Grid with growing weight of Lines.

Law of Symetry and chance

P5.js, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Symmetry, grid, symmetry

This sample shows a static grid regular distances between the arcs.

Network of Molecules

P5.js, repeat, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Similarity

A network interconnected of molecules.

Air Dancer

P5.js, motion, Law of Connected Elements

The figure suggests that there is a ball which moves in front of two lines. One end of each line and the ball are connected to the position of the mouse. mouuse


P5.js, motion, chance, interact, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Common Fate

Connected balls attracted by the mouse and a kind of gravity

Connected Nodes

processing, color, ui, interact, library, motion, chance, class, repeat, Law of Connected Elements
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Connect nodes by distance. A rather complex sketch that makes use of several techniques. Similar to Connect and Distance

Hidden Circles

P5.js, repeat, Law of Connected Elements

Circles creating patterns on a simple grid.

Small Multiples

processing, repeat, chance, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Similarity
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Generate multiple elements based on the same rules.