
processing, P5.js
Fabian Morón Zirfas

The Motion.

Air Dancer

P5.js, motion, Law of Connected Elements

The figure suggests that there is a ball which moves in front of two lines. One end of each line and the ball are connected to the position of the mouse. mouuse


P5.js, motion, chance

Particles move in the motion of cloth in a wind breeze

Common Fate Planets

P5.js, motion, commonfate, Law of Common Fate

In this example you see some planets moving around. Two of them belong together. We make a connection between them because they move the same speed and into the same direction. Our brain immediately sees them as an integrated whole.


P5.js, motion, Law of Space through Light and Shadow

Light over an array of cones.


P5.js, motion, chance, interact, Law of Connected Elements, Law of Common Fate

Connected balls attracted by the mouse and a kind of gravity

Green Hyperspace

P5.js, motion

Green lines flashing at the screen making it seem like one is travelling at high speed through space.


P5.js, motion, Law of Similarity, Law of Common Fate

How motion leads to perceived similarity.

Motion Dots

P5.js, chance, repeat, motion

Balls that change color and size fill the entire area of the frame.

Motion Without Motion

P5.js, motion, repeat

This is an experiment on how to create motion without using moving elements.


P5.js, motion, Law of Similarity

Elements of same speed towards the same direction are seen as a group.

Spiral Beams

P5.js, motion, Law of Regularity

Every frame a circle is drawn with a new position. It is always connected to the center of the picture and moves in form of a spiral. The law of regularity means that if neighboring objects repeat in patterns, the human eye will recognize them as groups.

Circular Scanner

processing, motion, chance, class, repeat, Law of Common Fate
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Visualizes the "Law of Common Fate". Elements with the same directional motion and/or same speed are seen as a group.

Common Fate

processing, motion, chance, class, repeat, Law of Common Fate
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Visualizes the "Law of Common Fate". Elements with the same directional motion and/or same speed are seen as a group.

Connected Nodes

processing, color, ui, interact, library, motion, chance, class, repeat, Law of Connected Elements
Fabian Morón Zirfas

Connect nodes by distance. A rather complex sketch that makes use of several techniques. Similar to Connect and Distance