This sketch shows how to draw with basic shapes.
/* eslint-disable */
var h, w;
* The setup function is executed once
function setup() {
var canvas = createCanvas(500, 500);
h = height / 4;
background('white'); // we need to clear the background
var area = width / 3; // divide the canvas into three areas
var x = area / 2; // the first x sits in the middle if an area
var y = height / 2; // y will be half of the canvas hight
rect(x, y, h, h); // now draw the first rectangle
x = x + area; // move x
var x1 = x; // calc the points of the trinagle
var y1 = y - h / 2; // calc the points of the trinagle
var x2 = x - h / 2; // calc the points of the trinagle
var y2 = y + h / 2; // calc the points of the trinagle
var x3 = x + h / 2; // calc the points of the trinagle
var y3 = y + h / 2; // calc the points of the trinagle
triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); // draw the triangle
x = x + area; // increase x again
ellipse(x, y, h, h); // draw the ellipse
var step = 10; // the steps between the lines and points
// draw in a loop
for (var i = 0; i < width; i += step) {
point(i + step / 2, y); // draw the points
line(i, 0, i, height); // draw the lines
var angle = 0;
var radius = 50;
var xoff = width / 2;
var yoff = height - radius;
vertex((sin(radians(angle))*radius) + xoff,(cos(radians(angle))*radius) + yoff);
vertex((sin(radians(angle))*radius) + xoff,(cos(radians(angle))*radius) + yoff);
vertex((sin(radians(angle))*radius) + xoff,(cos(radians(angle))*radius) + yoff);
vertex((sin(radians(angle))*radius) + xoff,(cos(radians(angle))*radius) + yoff);
vertex((sin(radians(angle))*radius) + xoff,(cos(radians(angle))*radius) + yoff);
// saveCanvas(canvas,'out','png');
* The draw function is executed all the time
function draw() {